Foundation Repair Basics: Helical Piers vs. Push Piers

Looked around your home lately and noticed that there are cracks in the foundation, the walls, or by windows and doors? Are windows and doors in your home sticking? Do you have sloped flooring or a stoop pulling away from the home? You may have foundation problems. There are many different repair methods for foundation problems, but the most common has to do with foundation underpinning. Two commonly used methods are helical piers and push piers. However, you may have wondered what the difference between the two is. In this article, we will discuss the differences between helical piers vs push piers.

helical pier, leaning chimneyWhat Does Foundation Underpinning Do?

It helps to support and stabilize the home. Underpinning techniques involve driving piers into the ground and then letting those piers support your home rather than having it balance on shifting soil (or whatever problem you have happening).

Helical Piers

Helical piers are a specific type of underpinning pier. They are ideal in situations where there is a lighter load, like a porch or steps. It is usually easier to see how deep the piers extend into the ground. Helical piers are not driven deep into the soil to stabilize; instead they are twisted. Their spiral shape allows them to really lock into the soil and offer support. However, how do helical piers compare to push piers? Let’s find out.

steel push piersPush Piers

Push piers are also a type of underpinning pier. This type of pier is driven into the solid, compacted soil deep below your home. This gives your home stable soil which will not shift during weather or climate changes. Once the piers are in the ground, technicians will attach them to the home using plates. The weight of the home is then transferred to the plates, leaving the home supported by the push piers. Push piers are common in many foundation repair applications — which is why it’s likely you’ve heard of them.

Which Type of Pier Is Right for My Home?

The helical piers vs. push piers question depends on the expert opinion of your contractor and what they recommend as the best option for your home. They will consider many factors including the problems that you are experiencing, the type of soil that your home is sitting on, and the extent of the problem.

At Tar Heel Foundation Solutions, we bring years of professional experience to these decisions, and we have resolved thousands of foundation problems. Contact us if you are having foundation issues or to find out more about which underpinning method (helical piers or push piers) would be best for your home.

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